Homeschool for the 21st Century

Italian II

Students in this class have an elementary knowledge of Italian. Its goal is the development of five skills— listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural sensitivity—which will enable students to communicate effectively in the new language. A variety of aspects of Italian culture will be introduced through short texts as well as audio and visual materials. Each meeting will include a series of activities, which will enliven the class, and ensure focused attention on the part of the learner. Upon completion of Italian II, students will be able to speak and understand the language used in simple, daily situations. Together with linguistic proficiency at an elementary level, students will acquire some familiarity with Italian culture.

Teacher Giuliana O'Connell
Time Wednesdays at 11am EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00

Looking for a different Level Italian class? We teach Italian I-III

Teacher Giuliana O'Connell
Time Wednesdays at 11am EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00


One year of Italian (Italian I)


Ciao! (Italian Textbook) – 5th Edition by Carla Federici and Carla Riga I, January 1, 2003

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