Homeschool for the 21st Century

Spanish II

The first few weeks of the course will briefly review and reinforce concepts that students learned in Spanish I.

The emphasis of this class will be to provide students with a good understanding of the Indicative Simple Tenses, Imperative Simple Tenses, and Present and Past Perfect Tenses.  This class however, will provide the “Spanish Grammar Map” with ALL the Simple and Perfect Tenses.   Students will have the tools they need to continue growing and expanding their knowledge and use of Spanish.

Students will be reading books, writing profiles, memorizing Scripture, Listening to audiobooks and songs, working on translations, playing many quizizz games, doing lots of practice exercises and homework. There is no doubt that practice is key when it comes to gaining confidence.

This is a year where students grow considerably to the point of feeling much more confident understanding and using the language.

A more specific syllabus will be provided at the beginning of the semester but for questions, concerns, or to place your workbook order you may contact the teacher: Silvia Petit at:

Note: Students who haven’t taken Spanish I at Big River need to take a placement test to be sure they are ready for Spanish II.  Since Spanish curricula varies so widely across separate instructors, Mrs. Petit wants to be sure a student who is new to her in Spanish II will find success. Please email Mrs. Petit at to receive the Spanish II placement test.

Teacher Silvia Petit
Time Fridays at 2:30pm EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00

Looking for another Spanish class? We offer Spanish I and Spanish II

Teacher Silvia Petit
Time Fridays at 2:30pm EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00


Spanish I


Basic Spanish II
Workbook by Silvia Petit
After teaching for several years using a combination of curriculums, our teacher put together a self-published workbook.  She has been using this workbook with different groups for 3 years. This workbook has been working well but she is about to launch her second edition which she is
thrilled to share with new students.

She does not profit from these books but charges for the cost of printing and shipping. They transition students from Spanish I to Spanish II in a very smooth way. She always tries to present the material in an inviting, colored, organized, and not overwhelming format. Each book will be $42 plus shipping. She will be printing the workbooks over the summer.
The workbook is the main textbook for the class but additional materials will be provided.

There will be pages that students can print for free.  They will use the Bible (on-line), free links to great internet sources, Youtube, Quizizz games, etc. They will not be using anything that will cost additional money.  She recommends a picture dictionary but it is not required.

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