Homeschool for the 21st Century

Marjorie Impraim


Marjorie Impraim is a homeschool mom to her five little people and wife to the one of a kind Eric Impraim : ) Together they reside in Maryland, just a short distance from the Chesapeake Bay. She has always had a love for math and science and therefore graduated with a B.S. in Microbiology from the University of Maryland at College Park. It was there that she encountered Jesus.

Her coursework testified to the great order of everything from the tiny cell to the massive universe. How could anyone NOT believe in an all-wise God and Creator? After college, she started her career as a Research Associate at The Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Md. where she and her team sequenced several bacterial genomes used environmentally.

During that time period, she began to feel that “oh-so-familiar” tug on her heart to be a full-time wife and mom to her young family. It was during this time that she learned of this movement that was sweeping her area called “homeschooling.” She readied herself by tutoring local college students in Basic College Math, Calculus, and Organic Chemistry. As her family grew, she began to teach at and eventually oversee a homeschool coop. She loves to teach about missions, geography, math, and science.

Her other love is teaching small group Women’s Bible studies and engaging in biblical counseling. Together, Eric and Marjorie serve the Lord at their church of nearly 20 years, Calvary Chapel Breath of Life, where Eric is an associate pastor. In their spare time, they do a lot of laughing. (Their kids say it’s too much). Her desire is to see people know Jesus and enjoy Him forever.

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Serving English and Language Arts from 6th-12th grade. LEARN MORE

  • Biology
  • Chemestry
  • Creation Science
  • Astrology
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish

American Government, Economics, & Exploring US History to name a few. LEARN MORE

  • Music Theory & Composition I & II
  • Personal Finance I & II
  • Public Speaking
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