Homeschool for the 21st Century

English I

English I is the first of a series of four comprehensive English classes which includes all of the following: grammar, poetry, literature, writing, and vocabulary. It is designed for late elementary schoolers and early middle schoolers. Prerequisite skills for this class include (1) the ability to recognize the basic parts of speech—nouns and verbs, (2) the ability to read at grade level, (3) the ability to write a complete sentence. This class also builds English skills from the basics and is designed to flow into the next course (English II). Grades 4th to 7th

Teacher Haley Hill
Time Mondays 10am EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Grade Range Late Elementary OR Middle School
Tuition $560.00

Sample Class

After taking our online English I class, consider these English classes for future enrollment to further enhance your language skills and proficiency:

Teacher Haley Hill
Time Mondays 10am EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Grade Range Late Elementary OR Middle School
Tuition $560.00


Visit to view Michael Clay Thompson’s Grammar Island, Building Language, The Music of the Hemispheres, Practice Island, and Sentence Island (video about MCT’s books). Novels include Holes, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Where the Red Fern Grows, A Wrinkle in Time, and Summer of the Monkeys. ISBN numbers for the novels don’t matter.

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If your child is interested in attending Big River Academy this fall and they are willing to put in the time and effort to catch up, then late registration is still open for you.                                 APPLY TODAY.

Education is our mission and if we can help just one more student, we are happy to try.

Serving English and Language Arts from 6th-12th grade. LEARN MORE

  • Biology
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  • Creation Science
  • Astrology
  • French
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American Government, Economics, & Exploring US History to name a few. LEARN MORE

  • Music Theory & Composition I & II
  • Personal Finance I & II
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